Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Power-Up Your Promotion Products with QR Codes

I’m sure you have seen the square symbols made up of geometric designs. These are QR codes and are available to power-up your promotion products, online, at no cost. Phone apps to scan the codes are also available online for everyone to download at no cost. When a QR code is captured by a smart phone, the user is taken to a designated website. The web page can offer any information that you wish. I was on the beach in Florida, recently, where I saw a plane pulling a banner that included a QR code. People on the beach could capture the code with their smart phones and go to the crab shack, or whatever, website where they saw happy hour and dinner specials. Directions and contact information was included. What great use of that banner! Use this new technology in your marketing promotions. Your logo and online messages can be carried into public gatherings such as sporting events, picnics, festivals, etc. You can get even more mileage out of public events and promotional products. One beverage company added QR codes to their logo that were put on t-shirts and distributed at college campuses. Students captured the QR code on their smart phone and were taken to the company’s website where a special offer was presented. Results were tremendous. Here is a how to get started using QR codes: 1. Have your website url, email address, phone number, Plain text message, Business card or vcard info, iTunes, or YouTube link. 2. Set up an account and enter your information at and receive a 300 DPI QR code for artwork. web has amazing tutorials and how-tos if you have questions about QR codes. 3. Email us your QR code as artwork. Keep in mind you want to make this QR code as big and visible as possible. Perhaps even a 2nd imprint location might be considered. 4. Once the artwork is submitted to us, we can have your QR code printed on any of our products. Click here for product ideas. 5. You now have a promotional product that can connect the public to your business website and special message or offer. Voila, a new way to capture business. There are now more web searches made on smart phones than by computers. QR app enabled phones are on the rise. Whether your customers are local or national, QR codes can grab new customers and new business. Visit us on Facebook or at

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